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Arming our teachers
          Mark Bailey

     Yes, I have no issue with a select number of teachers being armed on campus. The exact policies would vary, but as a father of two children I do not now nor would I have ever had a problem with a few of the teachers/staff being armed.     In 1990, at the height of the Invasion of Kuwait by the Iraqi's (yes, they invaded Kuwait.... not us...) I was an Army Recruiter right here in Scottsdale AZ.

    In September of that year a US Navy female Recruiter was held at knife point in San Diego and an Army Recruiter in Los Angeles found a pipe bomb in his Recruiting office.

     We were instructed to be 'ever vigilant' about our surroundings, and all of a sudden all of us felt like we had bullseyes on our backs wherever we went.

     I was the Army Recruiter for Saguaro High School, and was the only Military presence in uniform allowed on Campus since its doors opened (separate story here... but Saguaro H.S. has a policy of no military on campus allowed until I low crawled into the center where the flagpole was on a dare from a student).

    My wife was very concerned for my life and we bought a Glock 17 9mm and three 17-rd magazines. I kept the Glock in my briefcase for self protection as I went on all of my appointments.

     In October, right before the liberation of Kuwait... I was in the office with all of my other Recruiters when we heard a gunshot next door. (All of the Recruiters were in side-by-side offices).

     Every single one of the Recruiters drew pistols our of their briefcases and purses... including "Sergeant Mom" who drew a Ruger .44 Blackhawk revolver out of he oversized purse.

      We formed a 7-person "stack", and cleared the three Recruiting Offices... and as we cleared the Marine Corps office "Gunney" joined in as we cleared the Navy Office.

To be clear, just because we are "All Military" does not mean they are "Gun Slingers"... we had two Infantry (Me and Gunney), one Artillery, one Armor, one Aviation Mechanic, One Medic, and one Logistician... so we had only two people trained to actually "clear rooms with loaded weapons"

     So, using this example, any teacher should be properly vetted by Law Enforcement Officers in the same fashion for them to conceal carry in a classroom.... we don't need everyone whipping out a pistol, but it would have been nice to have seen one teacher in Florida able to defend everyone in that school


Look out for a robot takeover

          Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers

     More and more businesses and activities are going on-line. There is less and less personal, human contact. You don't talk to people, you just click on the screen. People are not needed much anymore. It is all being done by these electronic robots. When everything is on-line, the robots will take over. Humans will try to resist and this will lead to the Terminator.

 Religion is in the Control Business
          Bishop John Shelby, Episcopal Church                 
 I don’t think Hell exists. I happen to believe in life after death, but I don’t think it’s got a thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in a guilt-producing control business. And if you have Heaven as a place where you’re rewarded for you goodness, and Hell is a place where you’re punished for your evil, then you sort of have control of the population. And so they create this fiery place which has quite literally scared the Hell out of a lot of people, throughout Christian history. And it’s part of a control tactic.: "I think the church fired its furnaces hotter than anybody else. But I think there’s a sense in most religious life of reward and punishment in some form. The church doesn’t like for people to grow up, because you can’t control grown-ups. That’s why we talk about being born again. When you’re born again, you’re still a child. People don’t need to be born again. They need to grow up. They need to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world.. Every church I know claims that ‘we are the true church’ – that they have some ultimate authority, ‘We have the infallible Pope,’ We have the Bible.’… The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system, by any human creed, by any human book, is almost beyond imagination for me. I mean, God is not a Christian. God is not a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindi or Buddhist. All of those are human systems, which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honor my tradition. I walk through my tradition. But I don’t think my tradition defines God. It only points me to God.


The world didn't end Sept. 23 or October 15, and you thought you were safe. No way!! Yet another doomsday prophet is warning that all things will end Nov. 19, when the mysterious planet Nibiru will pass close to Earth and set off cataclysmic earthquakes.To see what didn't happen look here  


Crackpots are Usually Wrong 
          Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers

     Crackpots who predict a world-wide cataclysm are just that - crackpots.  How is it that they know something our best scientists don't know? .Or perhaps they're con artists. Hustlers who promise a panacea that will make you rich and successful are also just that - hustlers, con artists. Don't believe them. If something seems to good to be true, it probably isn't. Many people get rich by doing nothing more than selling a plan that claims to make you rich.


Fake Metaphysical Products On-Line 
          Cherie Boldt

     It's so important to do your research before you buy any herbal supplements online. Just because something says 'sea buckthorn oil' doesn't mean it actually IS sea buckthorn oil!   These days, it's hard to tell what you’re getting when you purchase from many online retailers. Stick to brands that have been certified by third parties and are transparent about their products. Share your experience with your readers....for  real!


What's Good about Politics
          Dr. John

     PoliticiaMany metaphysicians avoid anything political. It seems they think politics and spirituality are mutually exclusive. Politics is dirty and corrupt. Perhaps this is because there are few spiritual people who pay any attention to what is going on in politics. Shouldn't spiritual beings care about the well-being and safety of our fellows? Is it not government that controls the physical well-being of its citizens? Bad government is harmful to its citizens and good government is beneficial to those it serves.  Our goverment is controlled by the senate and the house of representatives.  If too many bad or ignorant men gain these seat, things may not go well for the nation.

Therefore, shouldn't we be concerned with who is running our government and we can do to make sure the nation is being handled well?  Can we do this without paying attention to politics? It's a difficult and often dirty job, but it is your obligation as a spiritual being




Hear Voices? You may not be Crazy
You may have an enhanced ability. A study, published in the academic journal, Nature, found that people who "hear voices" but who do not have a mental health problem, could detect disguised speech-like sounds more quickly and easily than people who had never had a voice-hearing experience. The findings suggest that voice-hearers have an enhanced tendency to detect meaningful speech patterns in ambiguous sounds. The researchers say this tells  could ultimately help scientists and clinicians find more effective ways to help people who find their voices disturbing. The study involved people who regularly hear voices, also known as auditory verbal hallucinations


Surreal Landscapes on our Planet
Earth is full of bizarre, alien landscapes. Some are land formations molded over thousands of years, while others are human-made creations that have altered the planet in strange ways. From the bubbling lava lakes of Ethiopia, to a lake that has been nestled in the desert for 2,000 years, here are 29 landscapes that are so incredible, it's hard to believe they're real.   to see them all go to: 29 alien landscapes  

Help for Colds and Flu
          Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers

     Why do we get more flu in the winter? Are flu viruses snowbirds? The answer is this: We need a certain amount of moisture in our mucous membranes (our sinuses, etc). Cold air does not hold as much moisture as warm air: Hence our sinuses get dried out in the Winter: This causes inflammation.  The inflammation makes us vulnerable to cold germs and flu viruses. Solution: keep yourself surrounded by warm, humid air.


This Explains Everything (?!)
          Avery Goodman

     If the Ego exists due to being a fraction of Duality then the half remaining non-locally waiting to become Unity. This means you really can be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all.


The Universe is Open!
          Raven Smokedancer

     As you lay down to go to sleep tonight (after you fill out your gratitude journal) say these things as you drift off to sleep:

       I Am Acceptance, I Am, I Am Abundance, I Am, I Am Aware, I Am, I Am Calm, I Am, I Am Clarity, I Am, I am Change, I Am, I Courage, I Am, I Am Eternal, I Am, I Am Gratitude, I Am, I Am Hope, I Am, I Am Holy, I Am, I Am Spirit, I Am, I Am Blessings, I Am, I Am Love, I Am, I Am Peace, I Am, I Am Inspiration, I Am, I Am Free, I Am, I Am Grace, I Am, I Am Patience, I Am, I Am Kind, I Am.   

      What you think will come back to you. Say it over and over until you fall asleep. Read what you were grateful for today and go on with your day tomorrow. Goodnight!


 Modern Witch Trials
          Rev. Dr. John Edwin Rodgers

     Politicians are notorious alcoholics and womanizers, especially in Washington DC. John Kennedy, Bill Clinton are two well-known examples. There is no serious effort to prosecute them them.  During the inquisition, many women were rich. some jealous person would accuse them of witchcraft and they were immediately executed without any sort of trial. But the acuser would often gain much of the wealth they left behind. Today some prominent figure is accused of some sexual act, not evenan illegal one. Immediately, powerful forces with sometning to gain begin operating - without trial - to get that individual fired or forced to resign.  Let a jury decide what to do - not political groups or the media. No more witch trials!!


Like a Bad Penny, 11:11 is Back!
          Dr. John

     Have you noticed that the  number set 11:11 has been following the New Age community for a while. The number is of spiritual and numerological significance. Interestingly  11/11/2011 was the date of the great Japanese tsunami. This time it's Breathe 11:11 -  a global experiment in the form of a free app that chimes at 11:11 to remind you to take a deep breath, make a  heartfelt wish, and connect with others doing the same thing at the same time. The founders believe there are subtle powers of conscious breathing in the mysterious phenomenon of 11:11.  You are invited to go to (http://breathe1111.com/)and d>ownload the Breathe 11:11 app and tune in to the podcast.  They suggest you try it for a month, and see what happens. Just maybe it could make a change in your life and throughout the world.


Ayurvedic Health
          Gabriel Cousens, MD

     The science of Ayurveda is particularly useful in helping us maintain our awareness of nutrition as the interaction between the forces of food, our own dynamic forces, the seasons, our life cycle, and spiritual life. According to Ayurveda, the five-basic elements of creation—air, water, fire, earth, and ether—manifest in the human psycho-somatic complex as three dosha essences: vata (air and ether), kapha (water and earth), and pitta (fire). The insights from Ayurveda, however, go far deeper than this.
Ojas is defined as the subtle energy of water of and earth. It is the stored-up energetic life force of the body, or primal vigor. It involves the integrity and stored energy of protein, fat, and reproductive fluids, as well as the healthy gross tissue mass.That includes nut and seed milks, nuts and seeds, juicy and oily vegetables such as avocado, low-glycemic fruits, especially berries such as goji berries, and other foods with a slight sweetness in taste, like apples, carrots, coconuts, and sprouted grain. Goji berries and bee pollen are not only high in anti-oxidants, but they are tremendously rejuvenating. More oily, creamy, soupy types of food, such as smoothies, are also good for building ojas .
Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids builds oja (to see more visit http://treeoflifecenterus.com/gabriel-cousens-m-d/blog/


A Cause for Love
          Avery Goodman

     A couple years ago I was on a bus sitting across from a young gentleman who would probably be profiled as a thug. I looked at him and thought "if he had been loved just a little bit more he might be better off than he is right now" then I looked a couple seats behind him was a woman who looked unhappy, and I thought the same thing "if she had been loved just a little bit more she might be better off than she is right now" then I realized that is true of everyone. We would all be better off if we were loved just a little bit more. So, I looked around and started loving everyone.


Science Looks at Out-of-Body events
          Dr. Connie Shane

      As you read this interesting article, keep two points in mind: 1) the researchers eliminated the possibility of anything astral or spiritual, 2) just because OBE-like event can be created scientifically, does not preclude a real OBE occuring naturally with a spiritual cause. In other words, just because someone can conterfeit a $20 bill, doesn't mean that all $20 bills are fake.  With those thoughts the following article may be of interest and value: click here










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